My new blog: (**updated**)
Friday, December 21, 2012
Friday, January 14, 2011
Family Photos
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Mark, what are you wearing?!
Dear Mark,
Today you gave me such a fright! The last thing I expected to see this morning was you walking out of the bedroom with my pink silk bathrobe on.
I realize I left all of your clean laundry out on the couch last night - from g's to outwear....
(I laughed, and I laughed, and I laughed.....)
But please.....
Don't do that again.
It scared me. Ha ha ha
Love much,
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Two Sundays ago, they made an announcement that they were realigning our ward boundaries! We were shocked - although we kind of knew it was going to happen. We had a BIG ward! Well, just a few days later we get a call from the new bishopric asking if they could meet with us on Thursday - which happened to be their "Trunk or Treat" party. So we figured since we were going to be there anyways to meet with him, we'd go meet some of our new ward memebers.
This worked out perfectly because Sasha had TWO costumes, and I couldn't decide which to put her in, so she got to wear both! So on Thursday she was some sort of Spider Princess? Who knows. (P.S. we got both her costumes at a garage sale in Idaho for 0.15 cents!!) That is how she ended up with two. :)
I was so proud of my mad sewing skills for her trick or treat bag!
It was so cold that night!! Sasha's little nose was pink as soon as we got there!

Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Playing at the Splash Pad
Sasha and Jackson (only 6 days apart) loved being at the spash pad. This was Sasha's first time going and I probably had more fun watching her!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Halloween Projects
Our RS had a sewing class last week and I attended - seeing as how Mark bought me a machine for Christmas that I don't really know how to check out these uber cute trick-or-treat bags!! I made the 2nd one much smaller than the first for little Sasha.
Then I saw these cute little things HERE! My friend Jess and I used extra material from my bags to make these jars. They are so simple!! Give them a try!! They are going to my VT girls - hope they'll like them!!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sneak Peek
We had our family pictures taken last weekend and here are just a couple! We haven't gotten them all back yet, but I love these two!!!
I have had a crazy few weeks, and I'll be sharing lots of pictures of what I've been doing - probably not for another day or so - but check back in a few days or so. And I'll also be doing a give away!!! Don't miss out!
Hope every one is well!!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Reflections of Christ - Another Testament
If you haven't watched the newest Reflections of Christ video - it is beautiful! Click here if you're interested!!! This crew is so talented and they do amazing work!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Savvy Mommy Sale on Saturday!!!
Okay ladies! If you are in the Phoenix area, you have to check out this sale. This is the biggest consignment sale in the valley that happens twice a year, and lucky for you, it is this weekend!! If you registered for a pre-sale pass, that is tonight - otherwise it is open to the public tomorrow (Saturday) from 7-1:30 - with the half price sale from 11:30-1:30!!! They have everything baby/kid! From clothes to toys, books, shoes, cribs, strollers, everything!!
If you are interested in going, the address (cross streets are Crismon and the 60) and additional information is at
I will have a booth there, so hope to see you there!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Market Boutique - Head start to holiday shopping!
Just wanted to give a little shout out to my fellow Arizona friends. There is going to be a boutique tomorrow from 9-3 at the Red Mountain Multigenerational Center located at 7550 E Adobe Rd. Mesa, 85207. Cross streets are Power and Adobe (Adobe is just North of University.)
I will have a booth set up there, as well as my friend SuJean, with "Suji's Unique Bowtique". ( And of course many others. So if you want to get a little head start with your Christmas shopping, come on out and take a look!
Have a great weekend everyone!!
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Labor Day weekend
Here is a small update: Our anniversary was August 20th! (Happy Anniversary again, Marky!) We went out to eat and took Sasha along with us! She was being so crazy. Mark took this picture and then just started laughing. He said, "You have to see what she is doing with her eye!" So he took a second one, and she did the exact same thing!! I think she was trying to stare at the camera and the red-eye light at the same time! I just had to share that!
This picture was taken just before Sasha started getting sick. Perfect fair skin turned to this...overnight!
Sasha just had 5 vaccinations done, and 10 days later had a pretty bad allergic reaction to one of them. (On top of 2 ear infections!!!) We still don't know which one it is, but she seems to be doing a little bit better. Today she was still very itchy and spotty, but less fussy.
We got the BEST rain storm this weekend too!! We opened the windows and let Sasha put her hand in it! She liked it, and we all enjoyed the "cool spell" it brought along with it!
Our wonderful friends S & B came down from Vegas to spend the long weekend with us!! Shannon and I literally scrapbooked all weekend. It was great. I got 19 pages done, which for anyone who knows how incredibly SLOW I scrapbook, this was a great accomplishment! Shannon got a bunch done also! It was great. Brian and Mark spent several hours at Cabela's on Saturday.....Mark LOVES that place! I think they had a good time also! Thanks for coming Shannon! We had a blast!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The last month.....
We swam,
we visited,
big bows,
and bracelets! (Well, watchbands)
and pouts,
and puffies!
Made wet-one case,
bad hair day,
picked dots off of dice,
ate a whole piece of pizza!!