Friday, June 13, 2008

Child-birth class #2

Wednesday's class was pretty eventful - I even won some free baby stuff because I was born in Michigan! Woo-hoo! The only funny thing to write about is this video we had to watch (no delivery videos yet..). This one was about people being in labor and dealing with contractions at the hospitals. It showed different positions that might help to alleviate pain, hydrotherapy, etc.

Well, they get to this section explaining how some woman are "vocal" about their pain. (i.e. moaning, groaning, screaming...) There were two woman on the movie that moaned SO loud, and Mark is just cracking up! I look at him and he 5 seconds later he starts giggling again - so I look over at him again...he leans over and says, "if you do that during labor, I am going to laugh at you!" I had to laugh too, it was pretty hilarious - however, I am sure neither one of us will think that when it actually happens, but it made the night a little more fun!


K Lind said...

I totally understand about the giggles. I was really caught off guard by some of the noises they made in the videos. I was mostly surprised by the girl that didn't make ANY noise! Each person is different, I guess. :o)

Lisa said...

:) Some people are quiet about it, though. :) I was - although Paul says I told him multiple times that this was his fault and to get away from me. I think he's lying.

Lexie & Sharrid said...

i never said anything like that to shar. the girls moaning should have been breathing and just concentrating on that, besides it's nice to labor for a while on your own pretty much for your pride and dignity and then to get an epidural when you feel like getting some rest. that's what i do.

Jessica Adams said...

Giving birth... I can't was the most painful thing that I have experienced! :) Words of not go without the epidural...I got one and then my labor was so long that it wore off...Comparing the two...Get the epidural!! :) I have felt it both ways!

Abel and Abby said...

Hey there Starr Family! We just started a blog so I though I would let you know Kristin since I have not sent any pictures of Skyler to you yet, this will be a great way to keep in touch, but I am still a little nervous about the whole pictures on the internet thing. So you are getting closer to your due date and probably more miserable also, I feel for you girl, but I know you are going to make a great mom! Hope to talk to you soon!
Love, Abby

Amber Hooten said...

Hey! Congratulations on your pregnancy! That is wonderful. I am sure being pregnant is awful during the summer months expecially in AZ. I live in Texas, but fortunately I haven't had to be pregnant during the summer. My girls have come in the spring before the heat kicks in. It was nice hearing from you. it has been a while.

sheena said...

Robby and I were the youngest in our childbirth class by like 10 years. we were also so immature because we ended up laughing at everything. every video. every breathing technique. it's just all so awkward and funny!