Wednesday, November 12, 2008

FREE Snapfish Book

My friend Susan and I were chatting tonight and she told me about this great deal that was on Oprah today!! They are giving away a free Snapfish book for the rest of today and tomorrow. Go to this link:

Hope you enjoy!!!


Lisa said...

Hooray!!! Thanks a ton!!! :) I love Snapfish!

Shayne and Amber Hoskins said...

oh my gosh!!!Kristen you are so awesome for sharing. I shouldn't have checked my blogs before bed cuz then I was up half the night starting my book. This is so awesome!!!!

Just Us said...

Thanks so much this rocks-merry christams to my bro in law! Ditto to Ambers comments!

Me said...

Awesome!! Sorry I never called you back to hangout this weekend :) I am in Utah hanging out with my mom! I am loving it! I get home on Tuesday so maybe we could do something that weekend. Talk to you soon!

Drees009 said...

They extended the deadline for the free book to November 22nd at Midnight PST. More time to prep!