Last night Mark and I went to our first child-birth class! I was a little nervous about what to expect, because lets face it - you always hear the craziest things about what happens while you are there.
But I have to say it exceeded my expectations. The lady who is teaching our class has been a labor and delivery nurse at my hospital for 27 years and she is hilarious! The other neat thing is that all the ladies in the class all go to the same OB team, and will all deliver at Banner Desert, so it was great that the doctors invested time and effort into having a specialist come to our doctors office to have these classes with us! I hope this lady is working when I go into labor!!
Who knows how the other 3 classes are going to be, but I can say the first one didn't scare me as badly as I thought it would!! What are some of the crazy things you have heard of or gone through during child-birth classes?
in my class we were doing relaxation tools and one of them was listening to beach music and imagining that we were on a beach...mark decided to start squaching like a bird to make it more real......lets just say i was not relaxed at all:)
I never went to a child birth class, go figure! I am so excited for you though. Motherhood is the best and you'll be awesome!
I was freaked out about going to the classes and still a little scared after, but I got over it and everything went okay.
I really enjoyed my child birth classes except when we had to watch the VERY graphic non-edited video of a woman giving birth! *Gulp* It was a little much for me but I survived. ;o) Have fun!
I thought I was the almighty and thought that I didn't need a child birth class! I could make it through with out one! After they broke my water and the contractions intensified by 10 fold the nurse said, Just remember what you learned in your birthing classes! I about died... i didn't learn anything cause I didn't go! It all turned out ok! I gave birth and survived too!
That sounds awesome! I never took any.... we just ordered some videos on labor etc. from Amazon and watched them at home .... Either way... don't you feel so much better and a bit more prepared!! PS We definitly need to get together for a round of Settlers!!
kristen and whoever you are up there, you play settlers! sweet!
That is too funny! I never knew people really went to child birth classes. Maybe I should have. To late now! Good luck!
By the way... Is your left foot still swollen? Is it more swollen than your right? If it is you should definently let your Dr. know! That happened to me and I ended up having blood clots. It is a whole other story! Let them know if you already havn't!
Josh Passed out in our birthing class watching one of the videos. Needless to say I had to find a new coach. :0) I love him just the same but he is no help in the delivery room.
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